Gardens and their people - David and Hannah
I’ve been on a mission to find all the little street libraries in my neighbourhood and so it was that I discovered David and Hannah on one of those glorious sunny, blue sky Melbourne winter days. There were no clouds in the sky today but the silver lining of lockdown #2 is that one of the essential reasons we can leave the house is to exercise. I just happen to take my camera with me for my daily walks. David just happened to be in his shed making a second little street library box when we stopped to check the selection at 21 Tower Ave, Alphington.
Each little library has its own style, personality and genre. David’s has very high brow and meaty content but also a sense of humour with the roll of ‘Emergency’ loo paper, which in these times is good to know. I didn’t see any romance or light and fluffy here. I’ll give you a link to other libraries with other genre’s soon, although maybe the the library being built will offer a different selection.
David said the Street Library has been up for about 6 months and he runs it with Hannah. We roused Hannah from a snooze in the sun to come and say hello. She’s a 14 year old German Shepherd. David and Hannah’s Street Library is registered and if you want to find out if there’s one near you, you can search on the site. . There are other, unregistered libraries that choose not to register and I’ll be sharing some of those soon.
David and his Street Library
Steve checking out the Obama book.
Hannah coming out to say hello.
Hannah and her Street Library
You can find the Library and Sharewaste at 21 Tower Ave, Alphington.
As well as the library, David also hosts a Share Waste site. What is Share Waste, I hear you ask? Good question. I’d never heard of it and you can find out more here. . This is what they say, “We connect people who wish to recycle their kitchen scraps with their neighbours who are already composting, worm-farming or keep chickens. Now you can divert waste from landfill while getting to know the people around you!”
As we were talking we were interrupted by Troy and Clio from the next street over who had come to deposit their scraps in the Compost Bin along the side fence. They stopped for a chat and said they’d been adding their waste to the compost for about a year.
Steve and David discussing the local flora and fauna.
Troy and Clio sharing their scraps for the greater good of the planet.
It’s a great way to help the planet and meet the neighbours at the same times. Clio depositing scraps while Troy is hiding.
Hannah is 14 years old with a bit of arthritis but is a lovely friendly soul. Stop in and say g’day.