W is for Wish

I had a model lined up to blow the dandelion to make a wish but he had homework to do. I was in a bit of a crappy mood for no particular reason so i went for a walk and found a few dandelions and was playing around with placing them in front of the sun and then my battery died and despite having a spare with me every day for the last however many weeks, this day I didn’t. So I carried a few dandelions home and then they started to fall apart and I thought I’d scrap the idea and come up with something else. I stuck them in a vase on the kitchen bench and sat at the kitchen table to wait for the kettle to boil. I glared at the dandelions accusingly, as if it was their fault I was in a crappy mood, and all they did was look whimsical and dreamy with the kitchen light behind them so I picked up the camera and this is what I got. I was dodging all sorts of things in the kitchen behind them but love the colours and the creamy bokeh. I think it matches the mystical world of making wishes.

Fuji X-T2 60mm
ISO 400 - f/4 — 1/50sec Handheld.

I might keep an eye out for some more dandelions so I can make a series as I love the dreamy look of this.

Dandelion wish.

Dandelion wish.