Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers - Photography Holiday - Sept 2017

Who is it for?

  • Anyone who likes taking photos!
  • Or more specifically, anyone who likes photography and taking photos and likes to get to the best locations and don't want to be hurried along by others who don't understand if the lights is just right. 
  • Anyone who wants to learn more about their camera or how to take better photos.
  • Anyone from complete beginners through to serious enthusiasts. 
  • Anyone who wants to be at the best places at the right time but doesn't want to figure out how to get there or worry about parking. 
  • Anyone who wants to learn more about using composition and design elements and light to take better photos.
  • Anyone who loves taking photos. Who loses themselves in the moment. Gets lost in the lens. 
  • Anyone who loves parks and gardens at their most beautiful. 
  • Anyone who has questions about photography or their camera but doesn't know who to ask. Or even 'how' to ask or 'what' to ask. Q. "How do you get that thing to do the whatsit so it looks like a thingamibob." A. "Oh, you press that button and spin that dial and bobs your aunty."  

The tour offers lots of opportunities to practice different aspects of photography. Macro, low light, action, landscape, movement, fireworks, street photography. There's something for everyone.

My favourite part is getting in amongst the flowers with a macro lens in the early morning light before the crowds move in. 

The photos here are of my brother Stew, who is also our bus driver and horticultural expert. I visited the Carnival in 2016 to plan for this years tour and gave him a few photography tips along the way. He's pretty happy with his slow shutter speed shot of the flowing water in the waterfall. 

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