My week at an artists retreat

Ok, so it wasn’t an artists retreat. I was staying at a friends house, keeping his cat company while he was off holidaying in a sunny and exotic location. Just so happens he has a spacious studio I could play in. I had grand ambitions of doing a photoshoot every day I was there. It didn’t quite work out that way but I did manage to do a bit of experimenting. Mostly with flowers. And I’m sure my dear friend will be finding lilly pilly berries hiding all around his studios for weeks to come.

Whilst I didn’t create any masterpieces this time, it did make me value making time to just create. It’s the best way to learn and explore. I did have work and other commitments during this week but having space to ‘play’ has inspired me to look for an actual artists retreat for next year. If you know of any or know anything about Artists Retreats, please let me know. I have so many ideas and projects…

PS. Still life is a lot harder than it looks.